Saturday, February 26, 2011

difficult of speaking in public

Speaking is a conversation between two people or more. Some people are afraid to speak in a public or present themselves to others which it causing to have a difficult problem of speaking in public. I will show you technical ways to do when you present yourself.

There is several ways to connect between people but some of them having a difficult of speaking in public. One of the difficult of speaking in public is speaking slowly and unclear voice because they don’t have confidents on themselves and expires their ideas. Another difficult of speaking in public is anxious and uncomfortable because of lot of people in lecture and consideration to him.

There is several ways to connect between people, the best ways to keep the presenter relax are speak loudly, stand up straightly be confidents on himself, make strong eye contact with them but there some way to psyche yourself out to get some of the anxiety, firstly, take a deep breaths, keep in mind that everybody is nervous you are not alone and dress well to keep your look unique. 

To sum up, the best way to beat this problem is to facing the social community, trying to practice with other people and having a lot of conversations between them, watching how the presenters present their selves and reading more stories and science book.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

About Me

Hi, my name is Khalid Al Marzouqi. I am 20 years old. Currently, I live in Khalidia Street and I may move to khalifa A city which by the way, is a wonderful city. I live with my parents and I have 5 brothers and I don’t have any sisters. I have several hobbies such as summing and football. I have lot friends and they are always beside me at all the time. I had finished my high school in Abu Dhabi Secondary School by 76.1% in science section. My major is mechanical engineering in higher technology college; I had chosen this program because am interested about the machines and how it works, the subject of this major is very simple, easy to understand and deal with it.